Asian Culture (journal)

Asian Culture (Yazhou Wenhua, 亞洲文化)  
Discipline Asia studies; Interdisciplinary
Language English, Chinese
Edited by Leo Suryadinata, Chinese Heritage Centre
Publication details
Publisher Singapore Society of Asian Studies (Singapore)
Publication history 1983–present
Frequency Annual
ISSN 0217-6742
OCLC number 607497422

Asian Culture (Yazhou Wenhua, 亞洲文化) is the official journal of the Singapore Society of Asian Studies. It is a bilingual refereed journal and was first published in February 1983. Asian Culture started off as a biannual journal until 1990 when it became an annual journal. The current Chief Editor is Leo Suryadinata, the Director of the Chinese Heritage Centre and President of the Singapore Society of Asian Studies.
